Online Therapy for Individuals and Couples in California
Are You Struggling to Manage Your Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Are You and Your Partner Driving Each Other Nuts During Shelter in Place?
Maybe it was nice at first to wfh and skip the commute, but now the reality of The New Normal is sinking in, and it’s hard to feel motivated or to keep your focus. Hell, some days it’s hard to get out of the bed. Or make a meal that isn’t cereal.
You aren’t sleeping well. Some days you’re up ‘till 2am watching Tiger King, and some days you climb into bed at 7pm, just ready for the day to be over. All the days are blending together and you’re losing any sense of rhythm. Time goes by so fast… and so slow. Is it Monday? Thursday? It’s all the same, and it’s disconcerting.
You Are Not Alone.
Although you may see some people humblebragging on social media about all they are accomplishing during the coronavirus quarantine, the majority of people who are on “shelter in place” are feeling lost, dispirited, and disconnected.
Levels of anxiety and depression are high, and people are struggling to manage the demands of spending 24/7 with their partners and families, while at the same time managing the social isolation of “shelter in place”.
Online Therapy Can Help You Get Unstuck and Find Your Balance Again
I have been offering online therapy for years now, and I can show you how simple and easy it is to do therapy right from your laptop at home, so that you can learn to overcome the obstacles that have arisen as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, or work on things like communication skills or finding ways to get better sleep.
Recent Blog Posts About Surviving Shelter in Place
How Does Online Therapy Work?
All you need is a private place and a device with internet. Otherwise, online therapy is similar to in-person therapy. In fact, most of my clients have chosen online therapy in the past for the times when they are out of town or can’t make it into the office on time. Some clients have chosen to do all of their sessions online, even before the shelter in place order took effect.
When we set you up for online therapy, I will send you a unique link to my secure video platform. It’s like Zoom, but HIPAA-compliant (and no Zoom-bombing!). You will need to find a place where you can talk in private. Some of the places my clients have done this are in their bedroom, on a patio, on the roof (true story!), and in their car.
What Kind of Therapy Can We Do Online?
I have used all the same modalities of treatment online that I use in my in-person sessions. Here are some of the things we can do, depending on your unique situation and needs. In addition to traditional talk therapy, I am specially trained in the following:
CBT, or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is based on the concept that the way you think about things affects the way you feel, and the way you behave. We will identify and challenge some of the automatic thoughts you have about being stuck in this global pandemic, and about other areas of your life. It’s a simple concept, but not always easy to do, and it helps to have the guidance of a trained professional to make sure you are on the right path.
Anxiety Therapy
Anxiety is a meta-emotion. By that I mean that we have anxiety about our anxiety. I know you know what I mean! You have a big presentation coming up, and you worry the whole week beforehand about how your anxiety is going to make you screw it up—even though you know that you usually are fine giving presentations. You have anxiety about your anxiety!
I will teach you the basic techniques for calming your nervous system, like deep breathing techniques, grounding techniques, mindfulness, and meditation. Then we will look at anxiety on the meta-level. I don’t want you to have that feeling of skyrocketing anxiety when all the deep breathing and the meditation aren’t enough. I want you to know you can handle it!
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
I am specially trained in Attachment-Focused EMDR. EMDR is the industry standard for treating PTSD. Attachment-Focused EMDR is used to treat not only major traumatic incidents, but all the little things that happened when you were a child (aka attachment injuries) that affect who you are today. My clients love this process, and we can do it online! I have special equipment and training to be able to provide this kind of therapy in an online setting.
Couples Counseling
Yes, you can do couples counseling online! I have been doing couples counseling online for years, and it can be just as effective as when we meet in person. The effectiveness of couples counseling is mostly linked to the willingness of both partners to look at their own contribution to the unhealthy relationship dynamic, not the location of the counseling!
I have done special training with renowned couples therapists Ellyn Bader and Pete Pearson of the Couples Institute, and this training is very helpful not only with couples, but also for individuals who want to work on their relationships while doing individual therapy. I have had many clients completely turn around their relationships without their partner ever coming with them to therapy!
Here Are Some Questions You Might Have About Online Therapy:
Is Online Therapy as Effective as In-Person Therapy?
Yes, online therapy works! Studies show that online therapy is equally effective as in-person therapy. Some of the issues that my clients have worked on in online therapy include anxiety, depression, relationships, couples counseling, childhood trauma, and PTSD.
How Often Will We Meet Online?
We will start off with sessions once a week. We will find a time that works for you as your regular weekly appointment time, so that you can count on it and schedule it in. When you are ready, we can move to sessions every other week or you can stop therapy until you have another issue that you would like to address. Many of my clients go through periods of working on an issue in therapy, followed by periods of working on things at home. I’ve had clients come back after years away, to work on something new that came up in their lives. Therapy is what you want it to be—it can be brief and focused on a very specific goal, like being able to manage anxiety while giving presentations in Zoom meetings; or it can last longer, and be focused on something more broad, like creating a healthy relationship with a new partner.
Will My Insurance Cover Online Therapy?
You will need to ask your insurance company for a specific answer to this question, but many insurance companies are now covering “telementalhealth” during the COVID-19 pandemic, even if they didn’t previously. I can provide you with a list of specific questions to ask your insurance provider so that you are clear on what your benefits provide.
Is Online Therapy Worth the Investment?
My clients would tell you that it is! Many of my clients are not only finding ways to manage their anxiety and depression during the COVID-10 pandemic, but also are using some of the opportunities it presents for personal growth. They want to be ready for “The New Normal”, whenever it gets here. The world is changing, and we aren’t going to end up where we started. Most people can use some extra support to make it through to the other side!
Take the Next Step Toward Getting Unstuck and Finding Your Calm
Give me a call at 323-999-1537, or shoot me an email at to set up your free phone or video consultation. We’ll discuss your unique situation, and how I can help. I want you to get all the support you need to make it through this difficult time!